2.13. Modules

Modules provide infrastructure for code reuse, as well as mechanism to expose C++ functionality to Daslang. A module is a collection of types, constants, and functions. Modules can be native to Daslang, as well as built-in.

To request a module, use the require keyword:

require math
require ast public
require daslib/ast_boost

The public modifier indicates that included model is visible to everything including current module.

Module names may contain / and . symbols. The project is responsible for resolving module names into file names (see Project).

2.13.1. Native modules

A native module is a separate Daslang file, with an optional module name:

module custom       // specifies module name
def foo             // defines function in module

If not specified, the module name defaults to that of the file name.

Modules can be private or public:

module Foo private

module Foo public

Default publicity of the functions, structures, or enumerations are that of the module (i.e. if the module is public and a function’s publicity is not specified, that function is public).

2.13.2. Builtin modules

Builtin modules are the way to expose C++ functionality to Daslang (see Builtin modules).

2.13.3. Shared modules

Shared modules are modules that are shared between compilation of multiple contexts. Typically, modules are compiled anew for each context, but when the ‘shared’ keyword is specified, the module gets promoted to a builtin module:

module Foo shared

That way only one instance of the module is created per compilation environment. Macros in shared modules can’t expect the module to be unique, since sharing of the modules can be disabled via the code of policies.

2.13.4. Module function visibility

When calling a function, the name of the module can be specified explicitly or implicitly:

let s1 = sin(0.0)           // implicit, assumed math::sin
let s2 = math::sin(0.0)     // explicit, always math::sin

If the function does not exist in that module, a compilation error will occur. If the function is private or not directly visible, a compilation error will occur. If multiple functions match implicit function, compilation error will occur.

Module names _ and __ are reserved to specify the current module and the current module only, respectively. Its particularly important for generic functions, which are always instanced as private functions in the current module:

module b

def from_b_get_fun_4()
    return  _::fun_4()      //  call `fun_4', as if it was implicitly called from b

def from_b_get_fun_5()
    return  __::fun_5()     // always b::fun_5

Specifying an empty prefix is the same as specifying no prefix.

Without the _ or __ module prefixes, overwritten functions would not be visible from generics. That is why the := and delete operators are always replaced with _::clone or _::finalize calls.