2.12. Function

Functions pointers are first class values, like integers or strings, and can be stored in table slots, local variables, arrays, and passed as function parameters. Functions themselves are declarations (much like in C++).

2.12.1. Function declaration

Functions are similar to those in most other typed languages:

def twice(a: int): int
    return a+a

Completely empty functions (without arguments) can be also declared:

def foo

//same as above
def foo()

Daslang can always infer a function’s return type. Returning different types is a compilation error:

def foo(a:bool)
    if a
        return 1
        return 2.0  // error, expecting int Publicity

Functions can be private or public

def private foo(a:bool)

def public bar(a:float)

If not specified, functions inherit module publicity (i.e. in public modules functions are public, and in private modules functions are private). Function calls

You can call a function by using its name and passing in all its arguments (with the possible omission of the default arguments):

def foo(a, b: int)
    return a + b

def bar
    foo(1, 2) // a = 1, b = 2 Named Arguments Function call

You can also call a function by using its name and passing all aits rguments with explicit names (with the possible omission of the default arguments):

def foo(a, b: int)
    return a + b

def bar
    foo([a = 1, b = 2])  // same as foo(1, 2)

Named arguments should be still in the same order:

def bar
    foo([b = 1, a = 2])  // error, out of order

Named argument calls increase the readability of callee code and ensure correctness in refactorings of the existing functions. They also allow default values for arguments other than the last ones:

def foo(a:int=13; b: int)
    return a + b

def bar
    foo([b = 2])  // same as foo(13, 2) Function pointer

Pointers to a function use a similar declaration to that of a block or lambda:

function_type ::= function { optional_function_type }
optional_function_type ::= < { optional_function_arguments } { : return_type } >
optional_function_arguments := ( function_argument_list )
function_argument_list := argument_name : type | function_argument_list ; argument_name : type

function < (arg1:int;arg2:float&):bool >

Function pointers can be obtained by using the @@ operator:

def twice(a:int)
    return a + a

let fn = @@twice

When multiple functions have the same name, a pointer can be obtained by explicitly specifying signature:

def twice(a:int)
    return a + a

def twice(a:float)  // when this one is required
    return a + a

let fn = @@<(a:float):float> twice

Function pointers can be called via invoke:

let t = invoke(fn, 1)  // t = 2 Nameless functions

Pointers to nameless functions can be created with a syntax similar to that of lambdas or blocks (see Blocks):

let fn <- @@ <| ( a : int )
    return a + a

Nameless local functions do not capture variables at all:

var count = 1
let fn <- @@ <| ( a : int )
    return a + count            // compilation error, can't locate variable count

Internally, a regular function will be generated:

def _localfunction_thismodule_8_8_1`function ( a:int const ) : int
        return a + a

let fn:function<(a:int const):int> const <- @@_localfunction_thismodule_8_8_1`function Generic functions

Generic functions are similar to C++ templated functions. Daslang will instantiate them during the infer pass of compilation:

def twice(a)
    return a + a

let f = twice(1.0)  // 2.0 float
let i = twice(1)    // 2 int

Generic functions allow code similar to dynamically-typed languages like Python or Lua, while still enjoying the performance and robustness of strong, static typing.

Generic function addresses cannot be obtained.

Unspecified types can also be written via auto notation:

def twice(a:auto)   // same as 'twice' above
    return a + a

Generic functions can specialize generic type aliases, and use them as part of the declaration:

def twice(a:auto(TT)) : TT
    return a + a

In the example above, alias TT is used to enforce the return type contract.

Type aliases can be used before the corresponding auto:

def summ(base : TT; a:auto(TT)[] )
    var s = base
    for x in a
        s += x
    return s

In the example above, TT is inferred from the type of the passed array a, and expected as a first argument base. The return type is inferred from the type of s, which is also TT. Function overloading

Functions can be specialized if their argument types are different:

def twice(a: int)
    return a + a
def twice(a: float)
    return a + a

let i = twice(1)    // prints "int"
let f = twice(1.0)  // prints "float"

Declaring functions with the same exact argument list is compilation time error.

Functions can be partially specialized:

def twice(a:int)        // int
    return a + a
def twice(a:float)      // float
    return a + a
def twice(a:auto[])     // any array
    return length(a)*2
def twice(a)            // any other case
    return a + a

Daslang uses the following rules for matching partially specialized functions:

  1. Non-auto is more specialized than auto.

  2. If both are non-auto, the one without a cast is more specialized.

  3. Ones with arrays are more specialized than ones without. If both have an array, the one with the actual value is more specialized than the one without.

  4. Ones with a base type of autoalias are less specialized. If both are autoalias, it is assumed that they have the same level of specialization.

  5. For pointers and arrays, the subtypes are compared.

  6. For tables, tuples and variants, subtypes are compared, and all must be the same or equally specialized.

  7. For functions, blocks, or lambdas, subtypes and return types are compared, and all must be the same or equally specialized.

When matching functions, Daslang picks the ones which are most specialized and sorts by substitute distance. Substitute distance is increased by 1 for each argument if a cast is required for the LSP (Liskov substitution principle). At the end, the function with the least distance is picked. If more than one function is left for picking, a compilation error is reported.

Function specialization can be limited by contracts (contract macros):

[expect_any_array(blah)]  // array<foo>, [], or dasvector`.... or similar
def print_arr ( blah )
    for i in range(length(blah))

In the example above, only arrays will be matched.

Its possible to do boolean logic operations on the contracts:

[expect_any_tuple(blah) || expect_any_variant(blah)]
def print_blah ...

In the example above print_blah will accept any tuple or variant. Available logic operations are !, &&, || and ^^.

LSP can be explicitly prohibited for a particular function argument via the explicit keyword:

def foo ( a : Foo explicit ) // will accept Foo, but not any subtype of Foo Default Parameters

Daslang’s functions can have default parameters.

A function with default parameters is declared as follows:

def test(a, b: int; c: int = 1; d: int = 1)
    return a + b + c + d

When the function test is invoked and the parameters c or d are not specified, the compiler will generate a call with default value to the unspecified parameter. A default parameter can be any valid compile-time const Daslang expression. The expression is evaluated at compile-time.

It is valid to declare default values for arguments other than the last one:

def test(c: int = 1; d: int = 1; a, b: int) // valid!
    return a + b + c + d

Calling such functions with default arguments requires a named arguments call:

test(2, 3)           // invalid call, a,b parameters are missing
test([a = 2, b = 3]) // valid call

Default arguments can be combined with overloading:

def test(c: int = 1; d: int = 1; a, b: int)
    return a + b + c + d
def test(a, b: int) // now test(2, 3) is valid call
    return test([a = a, b = b])

2.12.2. OOP-style calls

There are no methods or function members of structs in Daslang. However, code can be easily written “OOP style” by using the right pipe operator |>:

struct Foo
    x, y: int = 0

def setXY(var thisFoo: Foo; x, y: int)
    thisFoo.x = x
    thisFoo.y = y
var foo:Foo
foo |> setXY(10, 11)   // this is syntactic sugar for setXY(foo, 10, 11)
setXY(foo, 10, 11)     // exactly same as above line

(see Structs).

2.12.3. Tail Recursion

Tail recursion is a method for partially transforming recursion in a program into iteration: it applies when the recursive calls in a function are the last executed statements in that function (just before the return).

Currently, Daslang doesn’t support tail recursion. It is implied that a Daslang function always returns.

2.12.4. Operator Overloading

Daslang allows you to overload operators, which means that you can define custom behavior for operators when used with your own data types. To overload an operator, you need to define a special function with the name of the operator you want to overload. Here’s the syntax:

def operator <operator>(<arguments>) : <return_type>
    # Implementation here

In this syntax, <operator> is the name of the operator you want to overload (e.g. +, -, *, /, ==, etc.), <arguments> are the parameters that the operator function takes, and <return_type> is the return type of the operator function.

For example, here’s how you could overload the == operator for a custom struct called iVec2:

struct iVec2:
    x, y: int

def operator==(a, b: iVec2)
    return (a.x == b.x) && (a.y == b.y)

In this example, we define a structure called iVec2 with two integer fields (x and y).

We then define an operator== function that takes two parameters (a and b) of type iVec2. This function returns a bool value indicating whether a and b are equal. The implementation checks whether the x and y components of a and b are equal using the == operator.

With this operator overloaded, you can now use the == operator to compare iVec2 objects, like this:

let v1 = iVec2(1, 2)
let v2 = iVec2(1, 2)
let v3 = iVec2(3, 4)

print("{v1==v2}") # prints "true"
print("{v1==v3}") # prints "false"

In this example, we create three iVec2 objects and compare them using the == operator. The first comparison (v1 == v2) returns true because the x and y components of v1 and v2 are equal. The second comparison (v1 == v3) returns false because the x and y components of v1 and v3 are not equal.

2.12.5. Overloading the ‘.’ and ‘?.’ operators

Daslang allows you to overload the dot . operator, which is used to access fields of structure or a class. To overload the dot . operator, you need to define a special function with the name operator . Here’s the syntax:

def operator.(<object>: <type>; <name>: string) : <return_type>
    # Implementation here

Alternatively you can specify field explicitly:

def operator.<name> (<object>: <type>) : <return_type>
    # Implementation here

In this syntax, <object> is the object you want to access, <type> is the type of the object, <name> is the name of the field you want to access, and <return_type> is the return type of the operator function.

Operator ?. works in a similar way.

For example, here’s how you could overload the dot . operator for a custom structure called Goo:

struct Goo
    a: string

def operator.(t: Goo, name: string) : string
    return "{name} = {t . . a}"

def operator. length(t: Goo) : int
    return length(t . . a)

In this example, we define a struct called Goo with a string field called a.

We then define two operator. functions:

The first one takes two parameters (t and name) and returns a string value that contains the name of the field or method being accessed (name) and the value of the a field of the Goo object (t.a). The second one takes one parameter (t) and returns the length of the a field of the Goo object (t.a). With these operators overloaded, you can now use the dot . operator to access fields and methods of a Goo object, like this:

var g = [[Goo a ="hello"]]
var field = g.a
var length = g.length

In this example, we create an instance of the Goo struct and access its world field using the dot . operator. The overloaded operator. function is called and returns the string “world = hello”. We also access the length property of the Goo object using the dot . operator. The overloaded operator. length function is called and returns the length of the a field of the Goo object (5 in this case).

The . . syntax is used to access the fields of a structure or a class while bypassing overloaded operations.

2.12.6. Overloading accessors

Daslang allows you to overload accessors, which means that you can define custom behavior for accessing fields of your own data types. Here is an example of how to overload the accessor for a custom struct called Foo:

struct Foo
    dir : float3
def operator . length ( foo : Foo )
    return length(foo.dir)
def operator . length := ( var foo:Foo; value:float )
    foo.dir = normalize(foo.dir) * value
def main
    var f = [[Foo dir=float3(1,2,3)]]
    print("length = {f.length} // {f}\n")
    f.length := 10.
    print("length = {f.length} // {f}\n")

It now has accessor length which can be used to get and set the length of the dir field.

Classes allow to overload accessors for properties as well:

class Foo
    dir : float3
    def const operator . length
        return length(dir)
    def operator . length := ( value:float )
        dir = normalize(dir) * value