.. _stdlib_apply_in_context: ================================ Cross-context evaluation helpers ================================ .. include:: detail/apply_in_context.rst The apply_in_context module exposes single [apply_in_context] annotation. All functions and symbols are in "apply_in_context" module, use require to get access to it. :: require daslib/apply_in_context ++++++++++++++++++++ Function annotations ++++++++++++++++++++ .. _handle-apply_in_context-apply_in_context: .. das:attribute:: apply_in_context [apply_in_context] function annotation. Function is modified, so that it is called in the debug agent context, specified in the annotation. If specified context is not insalled, panic is called. For example:: [apply_in_context(opengl_cache)] def public cache_font(name:string implicit) : Font? ... ... let font = cache_font("Arial") // call invoked in the "opengl_cache" debug agent context